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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cooper is a Trooper!

Yesterday we went to the ENT about Cooper's numerous ear infections. Poor guy, he gets them often and then they just won't go away. Last week he had to have two shots, two different days, because his fever just would not break due to the infection. Yesterday at the ENT he still had fluid in his ear so Dr. Beasley asked if today would work for getting tubes. Why not? It is Spring Break. Some people go on tropical vacations, relax and lay on the beach, we get the stomach flu, work on To-do lists and sign our child up for surgery. I love the family time but next year I think we should go for the beach.

This is Cooper waking up after his three minute surgery. Poor guy was so hungry! After two bottles he was back to his normal Cooper self and a very happy camper the rest of the day.

1 comment:

katieanne said...

Sooooo glad they got you in fast and all went well. Poor kiddo! Ethan's stayed in till last year, and now we are back to constant infection. Ick! Miss you guys!