Blog Archive

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Rest of September

Ella did cross country this year and we could not be more proud of her! It was hard and she can do hard things! It was very much a love/hate relationship at the start but she ended the season excited about doing it again. 
It was so much fun watching Ella, Millie, and Ben improve at every meet!
Ella had one of her biggest fans come and cheer her on! 

Sometimes I just catch Ella doing something and I just can't believe how much she has grown up! 
Time really does fly!!!!!

I don't even remember taking this picture, but it was like a little present waiting for me! I would love to freeze this moment in time! 


Just to keep us on our toes during this CRAZY time, we had to have car trouble.  Nothing that could not be fixed with money, but just annoying! 

Addie came home all excited about some science she had done in class.  She needed to show us and do it herself, all while acting just like her teacher.  It was cute and fun to see her get the whole family involved.

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