Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Addie's sixth birthday!

Addie turned six on October 20th! She was able to have a perfectly small party with three neighbor families. She is very into the details and wanted a unicorn party in primary colors. She knew exactly what she wanted to wear and what food to eat.  She is a party planner! 
These pictures are not in order, but Blogger updated and I am not a fan! Since it is the end of December and I am just posting about October, I am just going to except out of order pictures! 
We played pin the horn on the unicorn. 

They blew magical bubbles. 
Addie was spoiled with presents. 

They made rainbows.
Everyone wore unicorn accessories. 

Ate unicorn themed food. 
Built unicorns with stickers. 

Unicorn rice crispy treats with unicorn ice cream. 


Addie's friend gave her a Caboodle (I had one when I was a kid!)  with REAL makeup in it! 
It was a big hit with the girls.  
We also got to spend the evening at Grandma and Grandpa's celebrating turning six!  I think this is the last time we were together with them, due to Covid, until Christmas. 
Addie got an American Girl Doll, just like the big girls! She had been telling Grandma for weeks/months that she REALLY wanted one for her birthday.  

And, since all this celebrating happened on the weekend before her birthday, we got to celebrate again on the big day! 


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