Addie's teacher sent this to us, cute and trouble all at the same time!
The family that skies together, stays together! One Sunday on February all the cousins (Simmonds side) got to ski together. It only lasted one run before everyone started to go their own way, but it was fun get a picture all together!
Addie dressed up as 100 years old on the 100th day of school.

Addie also decided she needed to learn how to sew. She made a few pillows for her Barbie Dolls.
We all had fun skiing this year. It is fun watching them get better every time.
I will be left in the dust very soon!
This kid started to go down black diamonds on the back side!
Valentine's day is always one of my favorites! It came and went this year with only these three pictures.
Our cat Millie has decided to tolerate the kids lately. On her terms, when she feels like it!
Cooper got his advanced yellow belt. It is fun to watch him work so hard at something.
Ella got her point shoes in the mail. This was a very exciting moment for her!
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