Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Back in 2006 we had a neighbor show up at our door with a box full of cats. She found them in a schoolyard and the whole group of kittens ran up to her. She brought them over and even though Benji is allergic he wanted one. We chose Millie and she was an amazing member of our family. 

She lived until she was 17 and though most people had no idea we even had a cat, she was a huge part of our lives together.

She had quite the personality/attitude and never came out when people were at our house. She loved her mom (Michelle) and could be found most often in her lap after the kids had gone to bed and the house was quiet. We have so many stories that involve her from not leaving our room for 3 months when Ella was brought home. Not because of Ella but because of the balloons that were floating in the living room. We figured out she didn't like ANYTHING that moved above her head. So no ceiling fans either.

She always found a home to sleep, but not in the best of places.

She loved windows to look out of or sit in the sun.

She loved her mamma.

This was a shelf on Benji's side of the closet that she claimed when we moved in. He used to keep clothes on this shelf but finally gave up as they were always covered in cat hair. He made her this cute bed years ago with her special blanket. She could be found here most often or behind our bed.
These are the last picture of her with the family. She had something happen in her brain that made it difficult for her to use her back leg. She was able to kind of jump into this bed but it was hard. 

We all said goodbye.

Even in one of her last photos she didn't want to do what we wanted her to do. 
We tried to take a family pic.

Mamma saying good bye.

We sure did love Millie. She caused a lot of stress over the years, but all kids do.
We miss you Millie.

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