Blog Archive

Sunday, February 21, 2021

January 2021

Benji has been perfecting the art of making pizza and I can't complain! 

This kid had two teeth pulled because in the orthodontist words, he had shark teeth. He didn't mind the laughing gas and handled everything very well. 

Ella got her birthday cake a week early because this baker I follow on Instagram had a last minute opening. It was pink and chocolate, Ella's favorites. 
By the way, I cannot believe she is 12! These 12 years have gone by fast! 

We have been spending Sunday mornings skiing.  We get there before they open, ski until lunch, and eat our packed lunch on the way home.  It has been nice to have a little opportunity to get out of the house for some fresh air. 

Ella hurt her foot dancing and has been trying to stretch and rest it.  
I trip to the foot and ankle doctor is in her future. 

I have no idea what is going on in these three pictures, but it looks like fun! I have said it before, I love the creativity boredom brings! 

We got our first round of vaccine!!!! 

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