Blog Archive

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The After-mass!

I LOVE the week after Christmas! Everyone is busy having so much fun playing with all their new toys and just enjoying each other's company.  

Addie had her first wiggly tooth and it would just not come out.  She was very excited to show Uncle Marshall and see if he could get it out.  No such luck! 
Benji gets an award for putting the trampoline together in the freezing cold! 

It even started to snow on him. 
He deserved the first jump!

I love when life slows down and music is played! 
Then Benji had too much time on his hands that he decided to hook floss to Addie's tooth and tie the other to a dart and shoot it out of a nerf gun. In the end the floss was too slick and the tooth never flew out like all had hoped.

For New Years we did fondue for the first time with all three kids. They loved it We did cheese for dinner and finished it up with chocolate for dessert. 

We love that Addie can now join us in so many games! This is one of our new favorites, Skyjo!

And then the tooth finally popped out during desert. She just looked up and said "uh tooth." 
Very exciting night!

The neighbors around here bang pots and pans at midnight. We joined in and shot off some confetti cannons as well. Fun at the time, but cleanup the next day was not fun for Benji. He had to go over to neighbors yards and bushes. The wind blew it everywhere.

Ella got a crimper for Christmas.......hello flash back to the 80's!


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