Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

February 2021

Valentine's day is always one of my favs! 

We had a snowstorm and got a few inches to keep us busy! 

The BIG kids scattered to play with their friends, but these two hung out with us to build a snowman.  I am going to be sad when I lose my snowman partners! I get the feeling it may soon become mandatory forced family fun! 

We also pulled these two around the block.  I am not sure who loves snow more.....the kids or the parents. 

Addie lost another tooth! 

Ella started to pressure us into letting her get a hampster.  We got letters under our pillows and a PowerPoint presentation. She was very persuasive! I spend my days teaching students to write and it came back to get me.  I had no interest in having a hamster in the house, but she was speaking my language.  As cute as they may be, they are still rodents! 
This was the last slide of the Powerpoint and is hard to read, but Ella states: "I want you to know I will do anything to get a hampster.  I would be a great parent and I would be so happy.  I hope you have figured out by now that I am not going to give up on this so you can't wait me out. I want you to know I love you to the moon and back." 

There went my master plan, I had every intention to wait her out and she just called me out! Two weeks later, against my better judgment, she got a hampster. 

Ella sending me pictures at work as she is home all day doing school work and by looking at the hair, maybe a little stir crazy. 

It was nice to continue to get out of the house and go skiing on Sunday mornings.  Everyone grew as a skier and Benji and I became really good at skiing slow in a snowplow.  

We both got our second vaccine!!!!! Oh, happy day!!!!!

In February, I also spent my spare time studying to take this test.  I have learned as I grow older I am not as good of a student as I was in the past.  Also,  spare time rarely happens and when it does I don't want to spend it studying! I tried to keep up a good attitude because I wanted to show the kids that we are lifelong learners, learning is fun, and we can do hard things! I hope the kids saw me as a student and not a grump that had to take a test! 

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