Blog Archive

Monday, July 26, 2021


                        I love when I find selfies on my phone! They are like little presents left for me to find! 
Ella got a hampster! I am still not too sure how I feel about this, but they are only young once! 
We continued to enjoy our Sunday mornings skiing. 

Addie decided she needed poles too, so she kept taking Benji's poles to try them out. 

These three took another try at catching a leprechaun this year. 
Again, nope! 

He did leave behind a few things that the parents in this house would never buy! 
More selfie presents :) 

Benji finding great joy in checking everyone's brackets!  The whole fam took part this year.  Benji won, as usual, but the older two gave him a run for his "day of choice" this year. The winner gets to do whatever they want for a day and Benji always chooses to watch the entire final round of The Masters. 
We had some very nice weather in the middle of the month to try out the tramp with a sprinkler. The laughter made it all worth it! 

Morning drop off! 

For Spring Break we went to McCall for a few days.  It was so fun to get away, but a little weird all at the same time.  We were also celebrating the fact that I took my test and passed! So excited to have that behind me! 

We had the best time doing the bumper cars on ice.  It is always good to laugh! 

McCall was beautiful and we had the best time just hanging out and taking a minute to relax. 


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