May always has the hope of summer and excitement in the knowledge that some downtime is just around the corner.
Cooper loves his new bike!
Ella amazed us as she tried hard things!
Ella had to quarantine in May because she was exposed to Covid at school, so she was all about getting vaccinated.
Dance recital season was upon us.
Lulu was still a household favorite!
This crazy year was topped off with a rainy field trip to the park. This year will go down as one of the hardest year for teachers and students!
This is now Benji.....I will add Admin to this list as well ;)
We had a chance to enter Addie and Cooper's school for the one and only visit to see the artwork on the walls. We snuck in an early swim.
We celebrated a lovely Mother's Day, I was spoiled as always.
There is a very large Kitchenaid Mixer in that box!!!!!!!
Ella continued to be remote on Mondays.
We continued to do yard projects.
Dad-daughter date to get snow cones by the pool.
The kids started swim lessons. Addie needs to think of herself as a swimmer and Cooper and Ella learned swim team skills and lifeguard practices.
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